An Incredible Evening
by Doug Scrima
An Incredible Evening
Doug Scrima
Photograph - Photographs
Final intense light from a very special sunset glowing on the Mittens in Monument Valley, AZ.
April 7th, 2018
Comments (8)
Doug Scrima
I find your comments humbling. Thank you so much. It was a very special evening indeed. More than just an artistic capture. I spent that time in awe of what nature was sharing that evening.
Neli Stoyanova
An incredible sunset indeed! Mesmerizing capture, Doug! You are invited to submit it to the group "Everything Sunset". l/f
Sandra Maxwell
Hi Doug, Well I didn’t leave voluntarily.... But this seems like a great great place ... and I see nudes and risqué pics are accepted...;-)
Doug Scrima
Thank you again, and for all your "likes." I am so touched to have you look at and give feedback to my work -- Doug.